Worldwide Black Lives Matters protests in 2020 increased awareness of anti-Black racism, not only in law enforcement and criminal justice, but in the many powerful institutions that shape and influence our society – healthcare, government, education and child welfare, media and corporations, and more.

But awareness is only step one. It is essential that the acknowledgement of anti-Black racism is followed by strategic action to eradicate it. To support this work, The KOJO Institute presents Daring to Do™: A Framework for Anti-Racist Action. This online learning series supports professionals who want to take strategic action against anti-Black racism.


About Daring to Do™

Daring to Do™ is comprised of five online learning series across various sectors – Education, Community and Social Services, Child Welfare, Healthcare, and Criminal Justice. Each learning series provides professionals, organization leaders, and community partners with a strategic and anti-racist framework for addressing anti-Black racism and inequity faced by service users and community members. While every Daring to Do™ learning series will cater to the unique requirements of its audience, each one will be rooted in:


  • Context – acknowledging the through line from the historical legacies of colonialism and slavery to modern-day manifestations of anti-Black racism and racial inequity


  • Action – moving beyond simply understanding anti-Black racism towards strategic and intentional action with a framework for creating transformational change


  • Accountability – calling participants to hold themselves in ‘healthy distrust’ and remain aware of their responsibility to disrupt anti-Black racism personally and systemically


  •  Equity – implementing frameworks of anti-oppression, anti-racism, and anti-colonialism to recognize systemic inequities and produce change that creates more equitable outcomes

This program will guide you through critiques of the worldviews, cultural norms, and perspectives that have allowed anti-Black racism to thrive; support you in undertaking the critical introspection necessary to acknowledge and challenge your own relationship with anti-Blackness; and equip you with a framework to courageously and confidently address these issues in your workplaces and communities.


About Your Host and Facilitator

Daring to Do™ is developed, hosted, and facilitated by Kike Ojo-Thompson, KOJO Institute’s CEO and Founder. Kike is an award-winning expert on equity, inclusion and diversity, Kike specializes in developing, facilitating and implementing innovative solutions for creating equity at an institutional level. Daring to Do™ allows you to learn the fundamental strategies you need to pursue those goals within your realm of influence.


Schedule and Registration

All Daring to Do™ Learning Series includes three 90-minute modules delivered once per week for three weeks and facilitated via Zoom. The schedule is as follows:










Registrants who are unable to attend on the scheduled dates will be provided a complete recording of each module via email within 72 hours of the live session.

Thank you for Daring to Do™!

The Kojo Institute Team